What Are The Best Supplements For Brain Fog?

Suffering from brain fog and looking for a natural and effective remedy? We have the right support and advice to help you.

A lot of people use the term ‘brain fog’ when they’re sleep deprived, or they’re so busy they’re struggling to focus. Occasional brain fog is normal and nothing to worry about. But when you experience brain fog on a daily basis, it can start to become debilitating.

You may feel like you’re never going to get back to your old self again, and you just want something to fix the constant cloudy-headed feeling that makes it impossible for you to function at your best.

The internet can feel full of nonsense remedies, and the symptoms of brain fog can leave some GPs stumped and unable to offer proactive advice. Other than the usual exercise, fresh air, better sleep, hydration etc. So what about when you’ve tried all of that, and you still feel like you’re walking around with a brain full of mush?

Well, there is another answer. Recent scientific research has shown that specific supplements can make a significant impact in relieving your symptoms of brain fog.

There are many possible causes for your brain fog, and in some rare cases, it can be a serious medical problem, so if you’re concerned, it may be a good idea to get the all-clear from your GP.

The good news is that most cases of brain fog are not caused by serious medical problems, and that by using the right supplements for brain fog, you can combat your symptoms safely and effectively. 

In this blog, we’ll go through the possible causes of your persistent foggy-headed feeling and answer the vital question - what are the best supplements for brain fog?


What Does Brain Fog Feel Like?

There’s no formal medical diagnostic criteria for brain fog, so it’s not like you can get a test done by the GP and be officially diagnosed with it. And you probably won’t find a reliable checklist online that will fit your symptoms exactly. This is because brain fog is a collection of symptoms rather than a condition in itself. 

When you’re experiencing brain fog, you may feel one or all of these symptoms with varying degrees of intensity:

  • Poor concentration
  • Difficulty multi-tasking
  • Forgetfulness
  • Short and long-term memory loss
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Feeling spacy or confused
  • Word-finding difficulties
  • Mental exhaustion or fatigue

It is normal to feel like this from time to time, but it is possible for any one of these symptoms to be related to a serious underlying health condition.

Sometimes symptoms of brain fog are caused by particular lifestyle choices, so here we will explore the possible root cause of your symptoms and the best supplements for brain fog. 

Root Causes Of Brain Fog 

Prescription Medications

Many prescription medications cause unwanted side effects. If you take lots of prescription medications or misuse them, you’re more likely to suffer negative effects on your cognition and mental abilities. Polypharmacy is becoming more common with medications like sedatives, sleep medications, pain medications, antihistamines, bladder control medications, and others that come with side effects like dizziness or sleepiness. Basically, brain fog can be a side effect of using common prescription medications. If you think your medication could be the cause of your brain fog, speak to your doctor.

Lifestyle Factors

Stress And Sleep Quality

Chronic stress causes changes to your body chemistry, and so does poor quality sleep. There are lots of ways that this affects your brain health, and it can become a vicious cycle that’s difficult to get out of. During sleep, the body and brain complete a self-cleaning cycle of removing toxins. Lack of sleep disrupts this vital process and results in brain fog, as well as increasing your levels of stress and anxiety.

Leaky Gut

The connection between your gut and brain plays an important role in regulating your body's overall health. Your gut health can have a huge impact on inflammation in your body and your brain - and inflammation in the brain can cause brain fog. If you suffer from excess gas, bloating and fullness after eating or constipation, diarrhoea and food intolerances, these may be symptoms of a leaky gut.

Food Sensitivities

Food allergies and intolerances can cause inflammation in the body, and inflammation can cause brain fog. The link between gluten and brain fog isn’t fully understood, but it’s believed that brain fog is a common symptom for people with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Eating a poor diet high in simple carbohydrates, trans fats, and artificial food additives can cause inflammation in your body, and in turn, inflammation can cause symptoms of brain fog. It’s also known that nutrient deficiencies, particularly vitamin D and B vitamins, are associated with brain fog.

Sleep-Disordered Breathing

Sleep-disordered breathing (SBD) affects more than 100 million people worldwide. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type of sleep-disordered breathing and affects up to 50% of men and 31% of women worldwide. It’s a potentially serious sleep disorder in which a person’s breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. You might be unaware of the disruption, but it causes lower-quality sleep, leading to fatigue and brain fog.

Mould and Heavy Metal Toxicity

Some moulds produce chemicals that can lead to brain fog, so it’s worth checking your home for mould if you’re experiencing any symptoms. Heavy metal toxicity, such as too much mercury and aluminium, has long been linked to brain fog symptoms.

Post-Viral Syndrome

COVID-19 and other viruses can cause systemic inflammation, which affects your cognition and cause brain fog. Many people have found long-lasting brain fog as an after-effect of contracting COVID-19.

Menopause & Perimenopause

Brain fog is a commonly reported symptom for women going through perimenopause and menopause. Hormonal changes during this time affect your energy levels and can cause forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating and brain fog.

Medical Conditions

Brain fog commonly affects people with certain medical conditions, including fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, autism spectrum disorder, celiac disease, and neuropsychiatric disorders.

Many factors, including nutrient deficiencies or inadequacies, may contribute to brain fog symptoms. These tend to be more common in people with medical conditions that may be associated with brain fog.

Best Supplements For Brain Fog

Vitamin D

Vitamin D supports your immune system, brain health and more. Evidence suggests that low vitamin D levels might negatively affect your mood and mental health. This can result in depression and cognitive difficulties, including poor concentration and memory problems. All symptoms of brain fog.

Research suggests Vitamin D supplements may improve overall mental health, including mood, negative thoughts, anxiety, depression and brain fog. It can be particularly helpful for menopausal women suffering with brain fog. 


Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for your brain health. Research suggests that taking concentrated omega-3 supplements may benefit your brain health and improve symptoms of brain fog, including problems with attention, memory and mood.

A study including 176 adults with low omega-3 intake found that supplementing with 1.16 grams of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) per day for 6 months led to improvements in episodic and working memory compared with a placebo.

One review of 26 studies suggested that taking omega-3 supplements with EPA concentrations of at least 60% at a dosage of at least 1 gram per day helped people with depressive symptoms. Because depression is a factor that contributes to brain fog, reducing negative mood and depression may reduce symptoms of brain fog.


Many people don’t get enough magnesium in their diet, which can lead to problems with brain health, mood and brain fog symptoms like difficulty concentrating. Low magnesium levels are common in people who are chronically stressed and can even increase susceptibility to stress.

A study of 2,466 people aged 60 and up found that those with higher magnesium levels did better on tests of cognitive functions like attention and memory and had a lower risk of developing cognitive impairment than those with lower magnesium levels.

And some research suggests that magnesium supplements may help treat symptoms of anxiety and depression, contributing to symptoms of brain fog.

So taking a magnesium supplement supports your cognitive function, and it may help to reduce your stress levels, anxiety and depression to relieve your symptoms of brain fog. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is well known for its role in immune health, but it also supports other important functions in the body, including brain health.

A study that included 80 healthy adults found that those with adequate blood levels of vitamin C performed significantly better in tests assessing memory, attention, reaction time, and focus than those with low vitamin C levels.

Low vitamin C levels may also negatively affect mood - vitamin C deficiency is linked to depression and cognitive impairment. So taking a vitamin C supplement can improve mood, memory and attention, reducing brain fog symptoms.


L-theanine is a compound that’s concentrated in green tea. Some studies suggest that taking an L-theanine supplement may help improve mental alertness, reaction time and memory. A recent study in 69 adults aged 50–69 found that a single dose of 100.6 mg of L-theanine improved reaction time and working memory on cognitive tests.

And another study found that 200 mg of L-theanine per day helped reduce stress-related symptoms and improve sleep and some aspects of cognitive health.

So reducing stress, improving sleep quality, and supporting cognitive health all help to relieve brain fog.

B Vitamins 

Studies show that low levels of B vitamins can lead to symptoms of brain fog, such as memory problems and difficulty concentrating.

A study of 202 people with cognitive impairment and low B12 levels found that B12 supplementation led to improved cognition in 84% of participants and improved scores on memory and attention tests in 78% of participants. And a recent study that included 39,000 people found that low vitamin B12 levels were associated with poorer attention and memory.

Having low levels of other B vitamins, including vitamin B6 and folate, may also worsen symptoms of brain fog, including difficulties with concentration and memory, so taking a high-quality B complex supplement may help reduce your brain fog symptoms.

And Of Course, Our Favourite…

Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Lion’s Mane contains as many as 70 bioactive metabolites, meaning there are many ways this medicinal mushroom can work wonders in your body.


It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that help fight off brain fog induced by inflammation or other oxidative stress-induced brain fog. Several animal studies have proven the anti-inflammatory properties of Lion’s Mane mushrooms. So taking a Lion’s Mane mushroom can support your body and brain in reducing inflammation and making the effects of brain fog more manageable until it fades altogether.

Symptoms of brain inflammation can include brain fog, lack of clarity, and slow mental performance. Inflammation is linked to cognitive decline and can lead to conditions like Alzheimer's and dementia. Reducing inflammation helps your brain to work effectively because it improves blood flow. Your blood then carries oxygen to the brain, which helps critical thinking and cognition.

Supports Nerve Health

Lion’s Mane can help support nerve health by increasing nerve growth factor production and improving the growth of the myelin sheath surrounding nerves. It’s also known to stimulate neuronal growth and development through the activity of hericenones and erinacines. Supporting your brain by rejuvenating and creating healthy cells will reduce brain fog symptoms and keep your cognitive function working at its best.

Reduces Stress And Anxiety

Lion’s Mane helps reduce anxiety by regenerating brain cells in the hippocampus, which can help emotional responses as well as stress-induced physiological changes. It’s also a powerful tool in supporting your gut health, which can greatly impact stress and emotional well-being. Lower stress levels and improved mental health can significantly improve your concentration.

Want To Relieve Your Brain Fog With Medicinal Mushrooms?

Are you fed up with brain fog negatively impacting your life and performance? Are you looking for a healthy, natural treatment with science-backed results? Take a look at our high-quality Lion’s Mane capsules and see how they can help reduce your symptoms of brain fog.


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